Monday, June 2, 2014


“Engaging the hearts, minds, and hands of talent is the most sustainable source of competitive advantage.”  from Greg Harris, Quantum Workplace

I met with a customer recently who spent most of our time together discussing the subject of “Culture”.  He discussed at length the time it takes to prepare a team to usher in new technology properly and the pitfalls of overwhelming your people. In essence, the people aspect must be considered as much as value of the solution. 

Often in the sales process, we focus so intently on delivering solutions to our customer’s efficiency problems; we don’t consider the associates who must implement the solutions we sell.  Although many of our warehouse and manufacturing team members are talented, dedicated and engaged, dropping a high tech solution in their laps often creates frustration, anxiety and a sense of powerlessness. 

As a remedy to this problem, perhaps a more phased approach may be considered that presents technology at digestible bites.  The phased approach can take many forms. From a material handling perspective, the focus can begin on areas of your facility that involve excessive handling of product or long lengths of travel in the picking process or in the transport of orders from picking to packaging. 

Getting your associates comfortable with the benefits of automation and enabling them to see the potential to make their tasks easier engages them in the process of removing the inefficiencies out of your operation.  As your facility performance metrics start to incorporate the results of smaller automation initiatives, your associates will more willingly embrace future larger capital investments that may include more sophisticated automation.

Usher in a new culture of continuous improvement but let’s make sure we bring everyone along for the ride!

For more information from Greg, view his page at